Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I've Been Up To!

So I haven't really posted anything of substantial significance lately... Sorry Nine Followers! I've let you down!

But don't worry, you haven't really missed much. I have a Tumblr now, and I think I'll probably be updating that more than here.

I also started another Tumblr where I'm making a picture for every episode of Batman: The Animated Series! I'm up to the fourth episode at the moment.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Superfogeys!

One of my favourite webcomics, The Superfogeys, just turned 300 strips and posted a 2011 teaser poster, as well as switching to new artist, Marc Lapierre, and a M/W/F updating schedule! Check it out!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs The Walking Dead

Oh man! Remember that Scott Pilgrim fan comic I made for deviantART's 8th Evil Ex Contest a few months ago? Well, I didn't win BUT the director of 'Scott Pilgrim VS the World,' Edgar Wright, ended up posting it on his blog!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cupid Waking Up

Happy Almost Valentines Day! Here's a preview (the first four panels) of a comic I'm working on about Cupid, that unfortunately WON'T be done by the 14th.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bird Mail

I sent a letter to a friend of mine in New York a few months ago. I decided that the envelope should be a bird.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I took a Beginners Printmaking class last semester, and here are my results! I've included links to various Printmaking Wikipedia articles for those who aren't familiar with the various processes.

' A Boy and a Bride and a Dog and Some Streaks and Stuff'

'Change the Channel'

'Shortly Prior To This, It Had Been Raining'

'New Job'